The project Experience What the Stork Land Has to Offer
Identity card of the project Experience What the Stork Land Has to Offer
(Doživetje ponudbe Dežele štorkelj)
The project is co-financed through the sub-measure Preparation and implementation of cooperation activities of the local action group, which is co-financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development - Europe investing in rural areas.
The Pomelaj Cooperative
Mala Polana 103, 9225 Velika Polana.
- An Association for Sport, Tourism, Development and Culture - ŠTRK Slovenija,
- The Municipality of Črenšovci,
- Institute for Tourism and Culture Beltinci,
- Kmetija Kolenko d.o.o.,
- Mlinarstvo Boštjan Premoša s.p.
Project start: 15/10/2018
Project conclusion: 30/08/2019
The purpose of the action is to improve the tourist offer of the area through the collaboration of local providers and the creation of new tourism products of the area.
The goal of the operation is to attract more tourists to the municipal areas of the LAG "With the Kind People" by connecting providers and the cultural heritage.
The purpose of the operation is to activate the endogenous potential of the target area (tradition, trade, cultural heritage, local produce and cuisine). Our aim is to improve the tourist offer of the area through the collaboration of local providers, connected into a network/forest, newly created shop, promotional tools, and a newly established tourist market at major events. A permanent selection of products can be found in the newly renovated shop at the Sabolova homestead, which is in the making and protected as an immovable cultural heritage site and entered into the register of cultural heritage sites. We will develop a new joint tourism product – a tourist market that will operate outside of the location of providers and services in connection with local producers and the cultural heritage. We wish to attract active adventure-seeking guests of local thermal baths complexes, which record a million overnight stays annually, and visitors to festivals and fairs within the LAG area. One of our goals is to increase the number of visiting individual providers: therefore, the providers will develop sales corners, equip and update existing ones, and outfit themselves with quality promotional and sales tools that are key to improving the visitor experience. Since you can never obtain too much knowledge, we will also jointly participate in a variety of necessary educational and training seminars. We wish to create a new job role – an organizer of the tourist market and other tourist activities, whose aim is to establish a tourism product and the sustainability of marketing activities.
European Commission: Rural development 2014-2020 >>
Rural Development Programme >>
LAS PDL 2020 >>